About Us

After pestering my parents for years and years for a dog, they finally gave in and decided to get me a small dog (I wanted a big one, but was happy to along with it - after all a dog is a dog!) we decided to go for a Miniature Labradoodle (A Poodle cross Labrador).

After searching every where for a breeder closer to home, we found one in Hertfordshire! Considering we live on the south coast it was quite a way to go, but we were willing for a healthy pup.

When we arrived at the house, we realized something was not right. It was cluttered and incredibley small. But amongst all the chaos sat a scrawny black puppy and I fell in love! She was plonked in my arms and she licked my chin. I knew then that I had to rescue her!

I decided to call her Tilly, but a few months after bringing her home, she started to go lame on her hind leg. The vet diagonsed her with hip dysplaia and that wasn't very good in a 5 month old puppy! We tried to contact Tilly's breeder, but they had disappered and we could not get in touch with them. The vet even said that Tilly needed a hip-replacement, but we refused to do the surgery as we feared it was unnecessary in such a young dog - not to mention an operation that large might even change her temperment - and she was a lovely puppy!

Thankfully she seems to have adjusted to it and only turns her back leg out slightly now. It certainly doesn't stop her clearing hurdles and flying up an A-frame! She attends hydrothearpy sessions regularly which strengthens her muscles and she is on a diet to prevent her from carrying excess weight. 

Although she's on joint tablets for the rest of her life she doesn't appear to be in any pain - which is the main thing!

 The Behaviour Problems

Sadly, when she was only a few months old she was attacked by a Boxer and several German shepherds. I did completely the wrong thing - I comforted her and babied her - and didn't let her move on from the incident. I wouldn’t let her near any big dogs and got frantic when they came up to greet her. This nervous energy transferred to Tilly and she became very fearful and aggressive towards other dogs. It got to the point when I couldn't walk her down the street without her lunging at other dogs. Deciding that enough was enough, I scoured the internet and as many books as I could get my hands on to try and understand why she was aggressive and how I could stop it! When I say I've tried everything, I mean I've tried everything!

Haltis, harnesses, spray bottles, shakers, training discs, remote collars (vibration), clickers, food rewards, distractions, herbal remidies, countless books, articles and magazine information. I was starting to get frustrated. These tools would work for about a week and then the effects would wear off and Tilly would ignore them. What was I doing wrong? Why couldn't I show her that not every dog wanted to eat her?!

And then I came across a man called Cesar Millan. His holistic approach towards dog behaviour completely made sense to me. I needed to stop worrying about what Tilly might do; and concentrate on what she was doing at that moment. Using his methods, I began to observe Tilly interact with other dogs, they way they acted around each other and how they avoid or instigated fights. In doing this I gained a greater understanding of natural canine behaviour. I then began to replicate many of the behaviours I'd learnt and within a matter of months change in Tilly was incredible.

She was and is so much more relaxed, obedient and trusting. We still have a little way to go, as she is still scared by some German Shepherds and primal looking breeds. She had also picked up bad habits from other dogs but they can be sorted.  I owe her rehabilitation and my understanding of dog behaviour to Cesar Millan.


I started to watch other people - and how they interacted with their own dogs. It puzzled me. Why where they doing it all wrong? I kept asking myslef. Then it dawned on me. They didn't know how! So instead of judging people - I began educating them.


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